THAILAND, Winter-2010

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Bangkok. Good thing Susan was there, else I would have seemed extra creepey taking pictures of all the bikini clad girls around the hotel pool.
Nothing says respect for a religion like daisy duke level short shorts in a temple.
Night bike tour of Bangkok. Can't reccommend it enough, get to see an entire different (non-touristy) side of the city. Getting in the shouting match with the rude french guy was just icing on the cake.
They are so adorable doing there giant group aerobics. Can't wait for Mcdonalds and TV to kick the shit out of them.
It made me quite happy that we had to walk down convent street to reach the red light district. I'm also curious about who goes to the dental clinic next to Super Pussy. I'm not sure how effective the anti-gay literature the sandwhich board christians were handing out is. I don't remember seeing many gay guys on the street entirely devoted to vaginas. "Jesus said Surely I come quickly"...not sure if this guy is protesting against or advertising for a sex show...if I had gone to one, it definitely would have been the one that made jesus come quickly.

The set list for the shows seems a bit repetitive:
Pussy ping pong
Pussy shoot balloon
Pussy smoke cigarette
Pussy open the bottle
Pussy chopstick
Pussy shoot banana
Pussy magic razor blade
Pussy blowing candle
Pussy candle fire
Pussy fishes in
Pussy magic flower
Pussy rainbow
Pussy cut banana
Pussy needle
Pussy write letter
Pussy sexy dance
Pussy elecyric

You think they'd mix it up a bit...throw in an anus card trick or two, or something.